更快、更好地制造电极— Delcam 电极集成解决方案主要特点和优势

是否希望有一个全面整合电极设计、制造和检测为一体的电极制造集成解决方案?是否希望您的电极制 造效率更高?是否希望您公司的电极制造自动化程度更高?是否希望电极制造过程的每一步更加灵活? Delcam 电极设计与制造集成解决方案是您电极设计、制造和检测的最佳选择。

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Overcoming technology boundaries, taking automation further

Zimmer&Kreim demonstrates the new shuttle station in action at the AMB Processing electrodes and workpieces beyond technological boundaries – this is still a dream of the future in many businesses today. In this respect, the new shuttle station can be something like the missing link, which not only overcomes technology boundaries, but also connects production areas with each other. Zimmer&Kreim presents this pioneering new development at this year’s AMB. This is the status quo in many businesses in the tool and mould industry: A combination of different tasks requires the use of various technologies. This is a major challenge particularly in small businesses. The start into automation initially seems hardly feasible due to the complexity involved. With the Chameleon, Zimmer&Kreim offers a modular start into automation – individually tailored for any company size. At this year’s AMB the Brensbach engineering specialist has taken a further consistent step in this direction, enabling with the innovative shuttle station the combination of different technologies in small as well as large contexts. The intelligent hardware unit along with the intelligent job manager makes ensure that different technology cells communicate with each other and share resources. Automation is therefore possible at every development stage –

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一. 经济危机下模具行业面临的挑战、机遇与对策由于工装模具处在制造链条的中游,经济危机对其影响,在今年春节之后开始显现。信心下降-订单减少-开工不足,模具企业的发展甚至生存受到了很大的挑战。但在困境中,我们仍能看到希望:中国的经济环境尚好;中国制造业大国的地位不动摇,模具就不会是夕阳产业。这次危机的正面意义在于,它是一次世界经济系统的刚性调整,大浪淘沙、优胜劣汰。

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Application of LaserCUSING technology optimises die casting molds

        LaserCUSING® technology optimises die casting dies Improved cooling in temperature sensitive areas of die casting dies can be achieved with the LaserCUSINGR process. The cooperation between an automotive manufacturer and the process developer, Concept Laser GmbH, has resulted in cooled die cores produced close to contour improving the quality of castings.

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