High-tech from Augsburg featured in the new James Bond film

Innovative 3D printing technology from Augsburg-based voxeljet is on display in the newest James Bond film Skyfall – more specifically in the scene when James Bond’s car explodes in flames. A total of three Aston Martin DB5 models were created at the company’s service centre; the models double for the now priceless original vehicle from the 1960s in the film’s action scenes. Action scenes in expensive film production such as a James Bond films must look as realistic as possible. For the model builders working behind the scenes, the high demands of film makers translate into more requirements and detail work. Therefore companies such as Propshop Modelmakers Ltd, which specialises in the production of film props, are always on the look-out for trend-setting manufacturing methods. The fact that the British company selected the 3D printing technology of a German provider is a special honour for the Augsburg company. “Of course only state-of-the-art technology is used for a new James Bond film. To be considered a benchmark by the model builders from the Pinewood Studios is evidence of the performance and position of our 3D printing system in terms of global ranking,” says voxeljet CEO Dr. Ingo Ederer. voxeljet is considered

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VXC800: Premiere for the world’s first continuous 3D printer

From study to series production readiness With an innovative concept study of the world’s first continuous 3D printer, voxeljet garnered considerable attention at GIFA 2011 – and elicited an outstanding response from the expert audience. Now, the Augsburg-based equipment builder is presenting the brand new VXC800, a 3D continuous printer that has been developed to series production readiness. The machine will celebrate its premiere at EuroMold 2012. “Our presentation of the concept study was so well received that we decided on a rapid implementation of the project. Our development team worked at full speed for an entire year. The result is the VXC800 – the world’s first continuous 3D printer that lays the foundation for a completely new generation of equipment. The building and unpacking process steps now run in parallel, without a need to interrupt the operations of the system – an absolute novelty for the industry,” says Dr. Ingo Ederer, CEO of voxeljet technology. The advantages of this unique concept are clear: The innovative system design allows for hitherto unprecedented performance and flexibility. While the printing process is active on one side of the system, unpacking can take place simultaneously on the other side. All of this can

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How 3D Printing works

The Vision, Innovation and Technologies Behind Inkjet 3D Printing Introduction As every designer knows, there’s magic in transforming a great idea into a tangible and useful object you can hold in your hand. It can be a consumer good on a store shelf, a critical component of an industrial machine, or even an early physical prototype that unveils your new idea to the world. Physical prototypes — basic and blocky or wonderfully realized in shape, texture and color — go far beyond drawings or computer models to communicate your vision in a dramatic way. They empower the observer to investigate the product and interact with it rather than simply guess what it might be like. Before the product is ever produced, people can touch it; feel it; turn it left, right and upside down; and look inside. They can test it, operate it and fully evaluate it — long before the finished product is brought to market. Until recently, a quick and affordable physical prototype has been an oxymoron. Obtaining prototypes wasn’t quick. it meant contracting with a fabricator who handcrafted them or used a complicated stereolithography machine. in either case, it took weeks, and it wasn’t affordable. You were

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Concept Laser Mould inserts with close-contour cooling and a hybrid build style Schleiz

Application-oriented laser melting at LPT Mould inserts with close-contour cooling and a hybrid build style Schleiz, 18.10.2010: Cores, cavities and moulds require constant care and maintenance to remain fully operational and productive. Mould makers and plastics processors are increasingly opting for flexible and technically accomplished service providers. We went to LPT to find out more information and spoke to the founder and senior partner Erwin Gottschall about laser welding, laser melting and laser engraving for German mould-making and tool-making. Erwin Gottschall founded LPT in Paderborn in 1995 to provide working resources in metal, aluminium and special materials. It very quickly became apparent that mould-makers are shirking welding, but like to make use of this as a service. In addition, Gottschall recognised the significance of laser technology at a very early stage and relied on the fact that the mould-maker generally does not wish to apply the process of generative laser melting itself. Firstly this is because the technology requires specific knowledge and secondly also because capacitively it cannot always be used in an economically viable way by the mould-makers. LPT filled this gap in the market. 12 branch offices and a technical facility for metal laser melting in Schleiz now

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研究 Z Corporation公司的前三個三維打印案例 通過實際的和經驗證的方式來提高生產力,減小成本並保持競爭力。 探尋領先的消費品廠商的秘密,瞭解他們怎樣才能每天準時地把高質量的產品以合理的價格送到您手中。 在 Z Corporation公司的前三個三維打印案例中,您將發現: · 思科消費產品部門發現三維打印解決方案可以保持他們傳統的設計標準同時還能保證產品準時上市 · 其樂鞋業將設計和研發時間從數月縮短到了數周,同時提高了設計質量 · Symmons工業將衛浴支架三維模型數量提高了十二倍,同時成本減小了一半 從這些客戶中汲取成功經驗,並應用於您的設計流程中。 今天就下載免費的Z公司前三個三維打印研究案例。 下載白皮書  

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The rapid and efficient method for sand casting moulds

The tool-less production of moulds using 3D print technology The rapid and efficient method for sand casting moulds What began in the automotive industry is now continuing in many other industrial sectors – the triumphant success of 3D print technology. More and more users value the time and cost advantages offered by this process for the tool-less production of sand moulds for metal casting. And they benefit from the newest developments of this fairly new technology.   Cast parts in small batch sizes are very popular. While it used to be mainly automotive manufacturers and suppliers that required very small quantities of metal cast assemblies and components for testing and prototype manufacture and discovered 3D printing as a superior technology for producing the required sand cores and moulds, this method has since established itself in numerous other industrial segments. Today, 3D printing is used in conventional applications and all other situations that require the rapid and efficient production of sand moulds – whether for architecture, restorations, aviation and aerospace or the production of designer furniture. The technology’s breakthrough has not gone unnoticed at the service centre of voxeljet technology GmbH. This is where state-of-the-art 3D printing systems create high-quality sand

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ProJet™ 1000 Personal 3D Printer Success at Fuse

Fuse is a world class industrial design company that specializes in content creation from concept through development, engineering and production. “The Projet 1000 makes great parts! On project after project that requires an evaluation model, the ProJet meets our needs.The parts have great material properties that work for the kinds of design evaluation and testing we’re doing to quickly move projects through the product development process. The greatest benefit was its affordability. We really needed a 3D printing solution that made good economic sense and the ProJet 1000 absolutely delivered.” Tory Orzeck President and Creative Director Portland, OR www.fuseid.com Fuse has multiple projects lined up that require concept evaluation and design review. They were in search for an affordable 3D printing solution to replace timing consuming and costly outsourcing of prototypes. The ProJet 1000 met their needs and provided the high quality models they use on all of their projects to quickly evaluate designs for their clients. Reasons for choosing Projet 1000/1500: • High quality models with excellent feature detail • Durable plastic parts that stand up to testing • Affordable 3D printing solution

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Delcam CAD 在快速成型中的應用

快速成型(Rapid Prototyping簡稱RP)技術,被認為是製造技術領域的一次重大突破,其對製造業的影響可不數控技術的出現相媲美。快速成型系統綜合了機械工程、CAD、數控技術,激光技術及材料科學技術,可以自動、直接、快速、精確地將設計思想物化為具有一定功能的原型戒直接製造零件,從而可以對產品設計迚行快速評價、修改及功能試驗,有效地縮短了產品的研發週期。 無論是新的概念設計還是產品仿製,快速成型的過程是生成三維 CAD 模型戒曲面模型文件,將 CAD 數據轉換成 STL 文件格式,幵利用軟件從 STL 文件 「 切 」(Slice) 出一定厚度的一系列的片層,戒者直接從 CAD 文件切出一系列的片層,得到這一系列片層的過程稱為數據轉換。將每一片層的資料傳到快速成型設備中去,依次將每一層掃瞄出來, 直到完成整個零件。 判斷得到的零件實物是否滿足要求,如果滿足要求,就可以對其迚行迚一步測試和研究,也可以迚行小批量的生產,模具開發過程結束。如果丌滿足要求,則需要修改 CAD 數據甚至重新設計得到 CAD 數據,重複上述步驟,直到合乎要求為止。 快速成型應用的領域幾乎包括了製造領域的各個行業,在醫療、人體工程、文物保護等行業也得到了越來越廣泛的應用。目前主要是應用於新產品開發的設計驗證和模擬樣品的試制上,即完成從產品的概念設計→造型設計→結極設計→基本功能評估→模擬樣件試制這段開發過程。 Delcam 旗下CAD軟件PowerSHAPE Pro和ArtCAM的結合可以為快速成型提供完美的設計解決方案。PowerSHAPE Pro採用世界首個Tribrid三合一混合造型技術,創造性地引入了正向和逆向混合設計的理念,集實體、曲面、線框和三角形造型於一身,成功地解決了傳統再造工程中丌同系統相互切換、繁瑣耗時等問題,為工程人員提供了人性化的創新設計工具,從而使得「逆向重極+分枂檢驗+外型修飾+創新設計」在同一系統下完成變為一種可能。 PowerSHAPE Pro擁有超強的三角形編輯、優化和造型能力 ,可以對 STL模型迚行布爾運算和設計造型,生成符合要求的 STL 模型,丌需要去極建曲面就可直接快速成型戒加工;PowerSHAPE Pro的與利技術全局摹仿變形(Morphing),及可以無縫結合ArtCAM藝術浮雕造型的幾何特徵設計(Embossing)功能,完美的解決了概念設計及造型設計的需求;集成了世界四大逆向工程軟件的PowerSHAPE Pro,擁有強大點雲處理功能,使快速成型的造型設計有了更直接的方式。 Delcam CAD產品在擁有滿足快速成型所需的所有強大功能外,可以在同一平台迚行自由的操作,丌需要迚行數據的轉換,使用者可以直接、高效、準確的迚行設計不加工,真正的做到快速成型。

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3D Printer Buyer’s Guide

1 Introduction 3D Printing Has Come Of Age 3D Printing is more than just prototyping. Today, 3D Printing off ers transformative advantages at every phase of creation, from initial concept design to production of fi nal products and all steps in between. Today’s competitive environment makes choosing the right 3D printers for every phase of creation more important than ever. Just a few years ago in-house 3D printing was enjoyed by only a few professional design engineers and was often limited to printing concept models and some prototypes. Once considered a novel luxury, 3D printing has proven to yield long-term strategic value by enhancing design-tomanufacturing capabilities and speeding time to market. Today, 3D printing technologies have allowed an ever growing number of creators to unleash and multiply the benefi ts of rapid in-house 3D printing across the entire creation process.

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